Thursday, November 5, 2009

Major Project finished!

So, we have been busy. Our guest bathroom had no shower, and with an increased population here at This Old Blog, that was not going to work.

Starting with an old bathroom, we removed everything, down to the studs, rebuilt it, and now have a nice new bathroom with a shower. We also put in a new window, new lights, a fan, a dual flush toilet and much much more. "Why do things by halves?", we always say here.

Many thanks to Mrs. House's Dad's Cousin, who helped with pretty much every step, and did the plumbing and electrical work.

The total project took over a month, many many hours of labor, and several thousand dollars (thanks tax rebate!). I even "got" to go under the house for the first time!

Next time... fencing. Not the kind with white suits and pointy metal. (or maybe it will be gardening, wiring, painting, or other projects)

P.S. I hate the way that blogger inserts photos uploaded. Why must they always go to the top? Why?