Thursday, April 16, 2009


Part of the "fun" of moving is dragging all of your services along with you. Since we were moving from an apartment to a house, we had to start a few services we did not have previously (like water), and move the rest. One of the things we were looking forward to was ditching Comcast for a mix of AT&T and DishNetwork. Unfortunately, a perusal of the AT&T website indicated that our area only had "basic", or what I like to call "pathetic" DSL speed, instead of the very nice high speed. [768kbps vs. 6mbps]

Since we were previously averaging a 6mbps download, with peaks of 12mbps, obviously this would be a large service downgrade. Frantic, we searched all over the Internet for other service providers, striking out with each. It seems that DSL from AT&T and Comcast were our only options.

So we had to go with Comcast again. A quick call to their "knowledgeable" staff indicated that they now have a 16mbps service available as part of a package with digital cable, and a VOIP phone. After chatting with the guy for a while, we established that it was possible to get a package with the faster service, more digital channels, HBO, a DVR, HD, and the phone. He threw in install of another cable port for free... so I am not feeling completely ripped off, but I still would have liked to venture beyond the Comcast fold.

So there you have our status, Internet-less, and back with Comcast. Updates to follow after install. I am particularly interested in reporting back about the VOIP experience, since upgrading our computer system to provide this service is a long term goal (probably through an ASTRIX box)


  1. We love our 6mb ATT Dry dsl. I hope we can get it again in PA....I so don't want to ever have to do buisness with Comcast. I'd do Verizon FiOS or ATT Uverse..or whatever those high speed services are called. So you guys are all moved in then?

  2. All moved in, everything in its place! ok, just kidding, it is all in the various bedrooms strewn about.

    6mbs is nice and all, but 16mbps is wonderful!
